Home Health & Fitness What is Behavioral Couples Therapy?

What is Behavioral Couples Therapy?


Couples counseling is a type of psychotherapy that enables the therapist to utilize tools and skills to help individuals in a relationship effectively resolve conflicts and enhance their life together.

Behavioral Couples Therapy

Behavioral couple therapy helps the individual to overcome their addictive behavior to improve their relationship with their partner. The partner is available to provide help for constant support to enhance the relationship.

Goals of Behavioral Couples Therapy

Behavioral couples therapy aims to strengthen the bond between the partners by:

  • Better Understanding: Addictive behavior can increase misunderstandings between the couple. The partner can struggle to understand the cause of the behavior. Therefore, it is better to consider couples counseling to understand and become empathetic. It helps the partner show the support that can help enhance their relationship.
  • Engage in Positive Activities: The conflicts due to addiction can lead to distant behavior. Lack of communication can increase problems and take a toll on the mental health of the couple. Thus, it is necessary to engage in healthy activities to hammer out the communication barrier. The therapy aims to help the couple engage in activities that can help them become supportive and empathetic toward each other.
  • Acceptance and Will to Change Habits: The person consuming illicit drugs or alcohol must make rational choices to save their relationships and reduce the risk of suffering from multiple health-related problems. The therapy aims to help the person focus on positive aspects of life, that require them to change their habits and modify their lifestyle. Willingness, hope, and positivity can help them change their behavior and enhance the relationship.
  • What to Expect from Behavioral Couples Counseling?
  • Number of Sessions: The therapy consists of twelve to twenty sessions, all week apart. The couple must show up for the session together to show support.
  • Duration: Couples can notice a visible change in behavior after three to six months of therapy sessions. However, it is necessary to exhibit patience throughout to improve the relationship.
  • Learn to Listen: The communication barrier is the basic problem and root cause of addictive behavior. It can cause multiple complications in social, personal, and professional life. The couples opting for therapy learn to communicate their feelings through words in a calm way to come to a consensus regarding possible solutions. It helps eradicate the negative emotions that drive one to consume alcohol and illicit drugs.
  • Address Problems: The couple learns to talk about their problems regarding their personal, social, and professional life with each other to improve the relationship and focus on the positive aspects of life.

Therapists are trained professionals that can help in counseling couples to resolve conflicts. Couples living in UAE can connect with competent and reliable therapists through Fitcy Health. The platforms allow couples to connect with experienced therapists at affordable rates.

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